Teenage Suicide Bomber Refused To Blow Herself Up In IDP Camp

Two other teenage girls
who were with her ,
however , strolled into the
middle of hundreds of
people lining up for food
adn detonated the
explosives on them killing
58 people and injuring 78
others .
It was the most destructive
attack launched by Boko
Haram in recent months .
Modu Awami , a Civilian
Joint Task Force ( CJTF)
fighter disclosed yesterday
that the third would - be
bomber should be about 14
years old .
Awami , who interrogated
the girl, said she was
afraid because she knew
detonating the vest will
lead to the killing of many
people .
A rescue official who
confirmed this
development, revealed that
the girl has given
information to the
authorities about other
terror acts planned by Boko
Haram .
Meanwhile , the United
States ( U . S. ) Embassy in
Nigeria yesterday
condemned the attacks on
Dikwa .
The US Diplomatic Mission
in Abuja, in a statement,
restated the U . S.
government ’ s continued
support for the Nigerian
government in battling the
insurgents .
It said , “ The US Embassy
condemns the reported
suicide attacks on
internally displaced
persons in Dikwa town,
Borno State, that occurred
on Feb . 9 .
“ The US remains
committed to assisting
internally displaced
populations in North -
Eastern Nigeria through
humanitarian relief efforts .
“ We will also continue to
support the Nigerian
government in its fight
against terrorism . ’’


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