Ancient haunted Bible blamed for pulling its owner down the stairs by her hair goes on sale for £120,000

A HAUNTED bible that is
thought to be possessed by
spirits who pulled a woman
down the stairs by her hair is
up for sale with a warning
The antique Bible was listed
on eBay, by a man only
named as Fred, who says he
accepts "no responsibility for
any poltergeist activities" that
it may bring into your
The seller has stored the Bible
in an empty room in a church
because he is so spooked
about what paranormal activity
it could bring into his home.
He has been burdened with the
Bible since his female friend,
who inherited it from her
grandparents, had 'had
enough' of the eery spirits
wreaking havoc on her

Fred said: "There were doors
opening, cupboards opening,
stomping, someone walking
He described the 'final straw'
for his friend was when she
thought the spirits had pulled
her down the stairs by her hair
in the middle of the night -
leaving her bruised all over.
In addition to removing the
Bible from her house, Fred
'cleansed' the property.

He continued: "I prayed and
sprinkled holy water all around
the house and commanded
evil spirits to leave."
The Bible, which dates back to
the early 1880s, was left in his
own house for more than three
years while he and his family
lived in America.
When the family returned, Fred
put the Bible in the church and
has since put it up for sale.
Despite the item being of
sentimental value to the
unnamed woman, when Fred
ask if she wanted the Bible
back she "didn't want anything
to do with it, she didn't want
to talk about it."

So far he has received an
offer of £50,000 but turned it
down because he is certain
the spiritual connections could
stir a better offer that is closer
to its potential worth of
There are only 16 days left on
He said: "They (spirits) attach
to them (objects) if they were
in love with the valuable object
to them while alive. They don't
want anyone anybody near it
that possess it.
"They cause things to frighten
them or harm them so they
keep it up, that's my

A lady who inherited the Bible
from her grandparents and
said it's spirits attacked her
"I know its valuable not just
because of its date because
its antique, because its got
spirits attached to it. I know
people are interested in that
sort of thing."
Fred wrote on the selling page:
"This book is highly haunted
and after getting a couple of
psychics examining it, I've
been told that spirits are
attached to this book,
therefore I accept no
responsibility for any
poltergeist activities that this
Bible might bring into your
dwellings, and I'm not to be
held accountable to any
incidents of the sort."
He also said psychics
examined it and said spirits
are attached to the book.


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