Parents asked not to smoke joints on the school run

Parents dropping their children
off at school have been asked
by teachers not to smoke
Yes, that’s right – parents
have been caught smoking
spliffs while taking their kids
to school. A primary school.
Now, deputy head teacher
Deborah Binns has asked
them to ‘set a good example’
for their children at St John’s
Primary, Radcliffe, Greater

It is not known how many
parents were seen taking the
drugs but police are to
monitor the area in the coming
Head teacher Jason Harvey
added: ‘Our deputy head had
a couple of concerned parents
come in on Thursday morning
and that’s why we sent the
letter out. They have noticed it
going on when they were
bringing their children into
school in the morning. We
don’t know how many parents
were seen using cannabis.’
He added: ‘There are lots of
really, really great parents and
we want everyone to
remember that this is a
school. I can’t legislate for
people’s actions outside but
this is a place of learning.
There are things that are
appropriate and things that
Parents reacted to the news
by posting on the Spotted
Radcliffe Facebook page.
Sarah Sharples wrote: ‘Surely
people who smoke it can wait
til they get home or at least
away from the school to
smoke it.’
Phil Burrows added: ‘It’s
totally inappropriate, you
aren’t setting an example, and
90 per cent of the parents of
that school would not have
their children in that kind of

Now let me mention to you just few out many reasons why you should not smoke or take in any hard drugs:
1) Marijuana is clearly the
deadliest drug around.
2) There's no possible
way marijuana has any
positive health
3) Smoking marijuana
will most definitely ruin
your IQ.
4) Not to mention how
lumpy and misshapen it
will make your brain.
5) Smoking marijuana
will ruin your chances of
ever becoming an
6) If you smoke weed at
a party, you're going to
make a total fool of
7) Smoking marijuana
will make you an
extremely dangerous
person to be around.

Put down that reefer
stick before things start
getting out of control.


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