Child Abuse: 14 year old girl forced to marry a man old to be her father.

A girl child, age 14years a student of ISS (ABSU)  Uturu in Abia State is believed to have been given out to a forced marriage by her parents to a man old enough to be her father. This is crazy!
Even the school authority is against this which is now a big problem between the girls parents and  the school authority.  A Human Rights group is said to be on the case too. The  principal is worried over this issue and is confused as to what to do. The Principal of this school is in no doubt in help of well meaning Nigerians, and appropriate authority to help him safe the life and future of this young child as the girl has threaten to run away if the school authority can not protect her.

As of yesterday, the Bishop of the parents Church. (Christ Holy Church  , aka Odizi Obodo) invited the Principal, but the Principal has been advised not to attend to avoid reaction from the girl.  The story has it that the parents might be indebted to the man in one way or the other. But its very wrong for them to forced the young child into the man just because they are indepted to him. The man is based in Lagos. The parents said yesterday that they will no longer be responsible for the girls school fees.
A call for help:
Well meaning Nigerians,  appropriate authority should please arise and defend this young child to avoid future occurrences like this one.
You can reach the Principal with this numbers:
08039477444. 08052828171



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