Indian village bans unmarried women from having cell phones

A village in India imposed a
ban on unmarried women
and minor girls from owning
cell phones.
Women found in violation of
this ban will be fined about
$30 while the person who
reported the offense will
receive a reward of almost
"Why do girls need
cell phone? Internet is
a waste of time and
money for a middle-
class community like
us. Girls should better
utilise their time for
study and other
works," village leader
Devshi Vankar told
Hindustan Times.

Villagers in Suraj reportedly
agreed with the decision, as
cell phones were viewed as
tools used by young people
to leave their homes and

Girls are allowed to use cell
phones at home with the
supervision of their parents
and women attending college
are completely exempt from
the ban.
"College girls are
mature enough to
differentiate between
good and bad.
Further, they also
need mobile phone to
stay connected with
their parents as
colleges are located
in nearby cities not in
our village," Vankar
told the Indian

Vankar said banning young
girls from using mobile
phones would protect them
from being distracted in
class and being harassed by
men on messaging apps.

"Everyone knows what
happens in today's
world due to mobile
phones. This is
Kalyug. This is an era
of Whatsapp, where
people secretly talk
with each other. We
have to save girls
from those who
acquire their number
and harass them or
try to lure these
innocent girls," he


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