Hussain brothers jailed in Rotherham abuse case

Three brothers who groomed,
raped and sexually assaulted
15 teenage girls in
Rotherham have been jailed.
Arshid Hussain, 40, was
jailed for 35 years while
siblings Basharat, 39, and
Bannaras, 36, were jailed for
25 and 19 years respectively.
Their uncle, Qurban Ali, 53,
who was found guilty of
conspiracy to rape, was jailed
for 10 years.
Associate Karen MacGregor,
59, was jailed for 13 years
and Shelley Davies, 40, given
an 18 month suspended

Arshid and Basharat Hussain
were found guilty at Sheffield
Crown Court of 38 offences,
including rape, indecent
assault, abduction, false
imprisonment and making
threats to kill.
Bannaras Hussain pleaded
guilty to 10 charges before
the trial.
MacGregor and Davies were
found guilty of false
imprisonment and conspiracy
to procure a woman under 21
to become a common
prostitute. MacGregor was
also convicted of two counts
of conspiracy to rape

Sentencing the gang, Judge
Sarah White said the harm
they had caused was of
"unimaginable proportions".
She said: "The impact of your
offending upon the victims,
their families and indeed the
wider community has been
devastating. Their childhood
and adolescence can never
be reclaimed."
The judge said the brothers
were well-known in the area,
driving distinctive cars and having a reputation for violence. 

"I'm really, really proud of the
police investigation team
that's worked on this for the
last two years but more
importantly the bravery of the
victims has been absolutely
Mr Tate said detectives were
still pursing other
investigations into sexual
abuse in the town.
"I'd implore victims if you are
out there please come
forward," he said.
"We accept there is much to
do. We get that.
"This is one step in the right direction


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