15 -Year -Old Son Of Murdered Delta Monarch Emerges Nigeria ’ s Youngest King [ Photo ]

The 15 - year- old son of
kidnapped king of Ubulu -
Uku Kingdom in Aniocha
North Local Government
Area of Delta State, HRM
Obi Akaeze Ofulue III , who
was killed by his abductors
in January 2016 , has
ascended the throne of his
forefathers . The deceased
52 - year- old king was on
5 th January 2016 abducted
by suspected Fulani
herdsmen on Obior/ Igbodo
Road , Delta State, along
with his driver . The
monarch ’ s corpse was
found at Ekpon in Edo
State at 3 p . m . on 21 st
January 2016.

The new king is Obi ( King )
Chukwuka Noah Akaeze I ,
and he has been presented
to the people of Ubulu - Uku
Kingdom . The presentation
of the 15 - year- old king fol ­
lowed the fulfillment of
different traditional rites
that led to his crowning by
the kingmakers of Ubulu -
Uku . Obi ( King ) Chukwuka
Noah Akaeze I was first
presented to the members
of the Royal family before
the presentation to the
coun cil of elders at the
palace .
The brief presentation
ceremony was attended by
prominent citizens of the
kingdom including the
member representing
Aniocha / Oshimili
constituency at the Federal
House of Representatives ,
Mrs . Ony emaechi Mrakpor;
President - General of
Ubulu - Uku Development
Union , Comrade Jones
Ofunne ; chairman of Anio ­
cha South council , Mr .
Isaac Anwuzia , traditional
chiefs and title holders in
the kingdom , religious
leaders , women, youths
and other stakeholders.

Source : Dawn To Dusk


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