Unbelievable! How much do you trust your house maid?

This is a true life story.
A maid in Kuwait caught pouring her own urine in her boss's juice.

A family in Kuwaiti installed a secret
camera in their kitchen after
becoming suspicious of their
maid's activities in their
home. And what they
discovered was shocking.

The maid was caught
pouring her urine into her
boss's juice after he
requested a drink. The
camera captured two women
going about their daily
chores while one of them
prepared a drink.
She is seen stirring it and
then heading away before
the second maid walks over
to the juice. Before she gets
there however she quickly
pulls a beaker of what
purportedly contains her
own urine from her trousers.
She is then clearly seen
topping up the drink with the

The video concludes with
the woman returning to
carry on with her job. She
can be seen preparing food
in the background. The man
involved who has chosen to
keep his identity secret has
warned other families to be
careful about who they
employ and keep an eye on
the activities of domestic

Keep your two eyes open  on your domestic staffs, crazy things are happening. Be cautious and careful over your foods, kids, and hubby.
Wives wise up!


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