How Can a Man and his Wife be so drunk as to forge their four months old baby?

Parents of a four-week-old
boy will not face prosecution
after he died while they were
on a Christmas Day drinking
Freddie Neil was found
wedged between a wall and a
bed in his brother’s room and
he later died at hospital.

Details of the baby’s death
have been revealed after a
serious case review. It found
how his mum and alcoholic
dad spent the 24 hours
beforehand downing ‘a large
quantity of alcohol’ in a pub
and with friends at their home
in Blackpool.

His mother Kim Smart-Neil,
32, last remembered attending
to him at around 5am while
husband Matthew Neil, 34,
stayed up with the baby until
6am when their friends left.
Neil, who was ‘extremely tired
and intoxicated’, remembered
taking Freddie to bed but
could not say how he came to
be in their other son Alex’s
room, an inquest heard.

At around noon on Boxing
Day, he found the older son
crying at the stair gate, not
wearing a nappy. He put a
fresh nappy on Alex before
noticing Freddie wasn’t in his
He eventually found him
between the bed and the wall,
but the parents could not
explain how he got there.

Neil, who was found to be
twice the legal drink drive limit,
and his partner were arrested
on suspicion of neglect and
manslaughter, but were
released without charge in

A safeguarding board found
nothing could have been done
to prevent or predict Freddie’s
The Crown Prosecution
Service said: ‘We considered
the criminal charge of wilful
neglect and the file was
carefully reviewed according
to the Code for Crown

***This is the highest level of 'Iberibe' ie Stupidity.
The Mother of this child is a disgrace to womanhood for her to drink to the extent of forgeting her own baby.
The Father on the other hand is an apology. ***
May this little cute son rest in peace.


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