A Woman to spend 100 years in prison

True Life Story:
A 35 years old Dynel Lane spent months faking a pregnancy before she attacked  an expectant mother Michelle Wilkins 27, and cut her 7-month- unborn baby out of her womb.
Lane spent months faking a
pregnancy before she lured
Wilkins to her Longmont basement on March 18, 2015, with a Craigslist onlne ad promising free maternity

After Wilkins responded to Lane's online ad, the two women talked for more than an hour in Lane's home. Every time Wilkins tried to leave, Lane would keep talking,  Eventually, Lane told Wilkins she had baby
clothes in the basement. It was there that a desperate struggle broke out. Lane hit Wilkins over the head with a glass bottle, stabbed her in the neck with a shard of broken glass and pushed the heel of her hand into Wilkins' throat until she lost consciousness.

After Lane cut out Wilkins' fetus, she left the woman alone in a downstairs bedroom for more than an hour as she tried to wash and hide blood-covered pillows and clothes. Lane shoved Wilkins onto the floor to remove the sheets from the bed she was bleeding on. Wilkins eventually regained consciousness and called
911. By then, Lane's boyfriend had returned home to find Lane with
blood on her and the motionless fetus in the upstairs bedroom.

29th April, 2016. After seven hours of deliberation, a Boulder County jury convicted Lane of one count of attempted first-degree murder, four
counts of assault and one
count of unlawful termination of a pregnancy.
Chief District Judge Maria Berkenkotter sentenced
Dynel Lane to 100 years in
prison for beating Wilkins
unconscious and cutting her
7-month-old unborb baby from her womb.

Meanwhile, Wilkins again expressed
forgiveness for Lane. But she
also shared her frustration in Lane's refusing "to acknowledge us" or
"You left me there to die
multiple times," Wilkins
said. "It had just never entered
my worldview that someone
could be so cruel and value
life so little," Wilkins said.

Extra: During the trial, prosecutors
argued that Lane was leading a double life. In one life, she was
pretending to be pregnant
with the son of her longtime
boyfriend. Her friends threw
a baby shower in Pueblo
where frosting spelled out
the words "Welcome James!"
on a cake nestled among
blue balloons and cups.
But in her second life, Lane
knew her lie would be
exposed soon. Her boyfriend grew suspicious of her pregnancy as it stretched months beyond her due
date. He gave her an ultimatum.
Either Lane would go with
him to a doctor's appointment or she and her two daughters would have to move out. Lane, in a
pregnancy-obsessed panic,
hatched a plan to get a baby,
prosecutors said.

Source: Jordan Steffen
The Denver Post.

Please what lessons do we have to learn from this true life story?

In my own view, 
1) Do not respond to every online advert
2) Not everyone you meet online are genuine.
3) Beware and careful of strangers
4) Never you lie to your partner it could frustrate or endanger your relationship.
Now whats your own advice to readers out there?


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