Zuma now faces criminal charges

JOHANNEBSURG - President Jacob Zuma 74, may be under increasing pressure from opposition parties to step down but he is not going
without a fight. In spite of the
knock to his public image, he still has a place in the hearts of many in South Africa. Recall that The ruling ANC secured a huge victory in the 2014 election -
many of the votes coming from rural South Africa where these court battles have little influence and Mr Zuma knows that.
Meanwhile,   opposition attempt to
impeach him earlier this month failed because they simply do not have the numbers.

The arms deal battle:  Legal experts say today’s High Court in Pretoria ruling that the decision to withdraw corruption charges against President Jacob Zuma means those charges have automatically been
reinstated and thus the president of the country currently faces criminal charges . But the African National
Congress (ANC) and supporters of Zuma disagree, saying he’ll only
face criminal charges when and if the National Prosecuting Authority
(NPA) reinstates them.

Judges said earlier today that then acting NPA head Mokotedi Mpshe’s
decision in 2009 to withdraw the
charges was "irrational".
The ANC says the ruling
was only about a legal technicality and that President Zuma
doesn’t actually currently face criminal charges. But former Wits
University law professor
and now practicing Advocate James Grant says the clock has been
turned back to the moment before Mpshe withdrew the charges and
thus they’ve been reinstated.
At the same time, Advocate Vuyani
Ngalwana SC has tweeted that when a court sets aside a decision as irrational, the decision that is set aside is restored.

Meanwhile the opposition parties claim that President Zuma must now resign to make sure the prosecution of his criminal charges is not interfered with, the ANC says it notes the judgment and that it did not deal with the merits
of the case against him. Speaking just after the judgment, Democratic
Alliance (DA) leader Mmusi Maimane says they believe this decision means the president does
currently face criminal
charges. “Our legal council holds
that if the decision to discontinue was irrational, it must then be
continued. Ultimately
Jacob Zuma must have his day in court.”

Source: EWN South Africa.


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