Awesome discovery. The wonders of Avocados.

Nutritionists often
highlight the exceptional
benefit of avocados as a
great commodity with
wide application and
numerous health benefits
Which includes:

***Lowers cholesterol***

*** Avocados contain a
staggering 20 vitamins
and minerals***

***Avocados  helps in the absorption
of other nutrients***

***It relieves symptoms of

*** Avocados are rich in
omega 3 fatty acids and
vitamin E , which are
great for the brain***

***It contains more
potassium than a banana
Potassium is an
important mineral that
most people do not get

* * * It is very important
during the pregnancy
If you are pregnant ,
please obtain a supply of
avocados. One cup
contains more than 25 %
of the recommended folic
acid , necessary for you
and your baby.***

* * * Avocados is very rich in fibre, it lowers blood sugar and also gelps weight loss**


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