Amazing ways to drive traffic.

As bloggers, Once we Publish a post,  there are several places (Directories) you need to submit your new blog posts, to get more audience. You need to carry out manual update Activities, by Sharing the blog post to various relevant websites and directories, forums for more and lager audience. Below are some relevant places/directories to submit your blog posts for increased  traffic. The social network is one of the biggest places people meet in the world today, you can share your posts with your friends on various social media platforms and experience tremendous comments and because as your friends they already know you and can trust whatever is your source or information you're giving to them. And as you know as many friends you have the better and higher traffic you'll pull.  

Lets take them one at a time
Facebook: "More Facebook friends, More Traffic" meanwhile if you are still building you facebook friend list,  you can make use of Facebook groups.  You  can try out Joining few Facebook Groups with lots of members in it, and start Sharing your Posts in them, but do it carefully and abide by their rules, else you may get banned for spamming.

Twitter: is one great place that pull traffic to your blog or website tremendously within a shortest time. If you write greate content which is really loaded and you try as much to be updated, following up what is trending and also re tweeting back to your followers. Following people who have a lot of followers on tweeter  who are also trendy helps a lot. But if you don't have much followers then start using EasyRetweet .EasyRetweet is one great app you can use to spread your tweets and reach twitter users that have thousands of followers than You.Here's how it works:I get to retweet other people's links, and earnpoints, after gathering the points, these samepoints are what I use to tweet my own PostLinks, so I can target a Twitter user having20,000 fans Retweeting my post, and when they do .. wow that's fat traffic!

StumbleUpon: is another nice place to share your latest posts.The fact remains that you can get moderate traffic from them, when they stumble your pages when you share your posts

Pinterest: Should favor bloggers who deal alot with Pictures on their posts, I mean goodlooking photos, you can get traffic from them, but the condition is that someone has to Repin your photo, more repins,more traffic.

Reddit :Reddit is a huge directory, that lets you post your content and articles for interested people to read. After signing up, Give the post an Attractive Title, use Add a tag about the post(would get more traffic if it's a Popular Tag),and Submit Link.

Google+: OnGoogle+, the more followers you have the better! This is because Google+ is linked to your Google search ranking.  The more followers you have the better your website ranks.   Even when followers are not signed into their Google accounts, your ranking improves if they are following you on Google+.

Online Community Forum: if  you have gained a good reputation in a forum, creating threads containing link to your newest related post about the thread is a good idea, I have done this few times, and it helped me. In addition,   walk around the web, commenting on blogs, make sure your comment look tasty, soothers can see, and click young profile to see your own blog or website.This undoubtedly will build you some traffic, and backlinks.You can try it too.
CONCLUSION: It  doesn'tmatter if your blog is Old or New, the traffic will stay, and the more you post and submit your new posts, the more your traffic will increase.

If you have places where you submit your latest posts, you can share with by commenting below.

Follow peace with all Men. (Heb 12:14)


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