Crazy traffic with Google+

How to Drive Traffic ToYour Site Using Google+

 1. Size is very important When it comes to social media.   A few thousand active followers are much better than a ton of silent ones.But, Google+ plus goes against the grain.  OnGoogle+, the more followers you have the better! This is because Google+ is linked to your Google search ranking.  The more followers you have the better your website ranks.   Even when followers are not signed into their Google accounts, your ranking improves if they are following you on Google+.
2.  POST to Improve your SEO:In addition to your numerous followers, you’ll have to post frequently so that you can naturally share each blog post or new page you add to yourwebsite.  This is because Google+ posts can be found in search results alongside articles.Likewise, people can now see recommendations from their connections right in their Google search results. If you are posting frequently, this means great things for your business because it provides the social proof that customers are often seeking.
3. Use Pictures and Videos: First, you have to post pictures and videos on your wall to add variety to your sharing and increase follower interaction.Second, you want to upload pictures and videos to your profile because, again, it will improve your Google search engine ranking and help prospects followers to find you.Special Note:  When you add videos and pictures to your profile be sure to add important and relevante keyword phrases to the "alt" field to further improve your Googleranking.
4.  Get in on the Conversation: Take time each week to engage on Google+ by commenting on other people's posts. Also, look for popular conversations and jump in.  When you leave a comment on another popular "thread" or whenyou +1 the conversation, then you expose yourself to more prospects.  This is importantto building traffic.
5. Create a page for your business While you maintain personal page. Google+ has added a business page feature. (It's  equivalent to business fan page on Facebook.)
If you haven't already created one, make sure to do so now.  To get started, visit Create a Page on Google+.
6.  Add links to your business: pageGoogle+ allows you to add clickable links to your business page profile in a number of places.  Be sure to utilize this feature.
Be SURE to put a clickable link in your intro section.
7. Utilize Keywords In your personal profile on Google+, be sure to add important keyword phrases to the "about"section.  You also want to do this same thing on your business page.Here too, it is vital that you have a good sense of the keyword phrases people in your niche use.
8. Consider Authorship: Google is piloting a new system that will show author information in search results. The idea behind it is to help users discover greatcontent. For you, as an entrepreneur, it allows you to lay claim to the articles and blogs and such that you've written.  If you want your authorship information to appear in search results for your content, then you must have your own Google Profile,  9. Google Hangouts: Hosting regular Google+ hangouts is important because it furthers the relationship you are building with your prospects and it can createrepeat customers.It is also a great way to generate ideas and to quickly find out what your niche REALLY wants.


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