How to make a man love you for life !

Once a man and a Woman have some kind of attractions to each other, with a level of trust and care they will likely learn to love each other gradually within a process of time.(nmagold)

Now it's one thing to fall in Love but its a big task and responsibility to maintain the level of care, trust,  confidence you  have for each other.
You can agree with me that all relationships dose not end in marriage but there are so many relationships that lasts much longer than  so many marriages.

There are several reasons and qualities why  people fall in Love. There are also several reasons why most men find it difficult to Love easily or to stay in a relationship for a long time. 

According to  Annie Lalla
As a woman, you are the
emotional leader in your
relationship. Which is why it’s very
important for a woman to master certain relevant skills if she must build a relationship that lasts. As you know, some things cannot be learned, except through creation. In a simple language,  if you want your man to Love you for life, then you must  become a creator of love, even in the face of fear. True Love requires only one thing: that you believe in it.

Ways to Make Your Man Love You for Life:
1) Love Him First:
I believe one thing, every female, whether big or small is a mother. And a good mother loves. The safest place for your man in this  planet should be  your arms, your eyes, and  your lap, those have to be a refuge for him. If you Love him, you will be there for him and whenever he needs succor and remembers how ready and caring you are, He will always run to you. ALWAYS

2) Peace of Mind:
No matter how tough, rough or cocky a man seems to be, there's a point  and extent where he needs peace. No man in his right sences would want to spend quality time with a woman who's not peaceful.
So, if you want your man to Love you for a life, you've got to be very peaceful.  Dont give him no stress, don't give him no fight all the time!

3) Respect your Man:
Every Man is a hero!
You want your Man to Love you for life,  then you have to respect his person and privacy. Can I tell you something Ladies?  When a man discover you Love, Care and respect him despite his shortcomings,  he'll trust you with his Life.

4) Be a builder:
When a man discovers that you contribute positively to him, he'll definitely know you're an asset to him.  Remember no man wants all round liability.  So to make him Love you for life, you'll have to learn how to build with him.

5) Be His best Friend:
evidence of true friendship is what they do to show their loyalty, honesty and  trustworthiness, also your ability or willingness to make a sacrifice when he needs your help.
Above all,  Know how to make him smile even at difficult times. Share your fears, pain, desires and dreams with him; in particular show him your humanity. He’s looking for a
place where all his emotions
are safe to land.

6) Having Faith:
Faith is the umbilical cord that
connects you and your lover to
each other and romantic
success. Faith has no
reasons, proofs or
justifications…it’s a blind
resolve based on nothing but
the unwavering belief in
something you find true, good
& beautiful.

4) Have Fun together:
Keep developing
yourself and your sexuality so you can have  exciting sex
life. The litmus test of a
relationship working long-term
is their sex life. Sex makes or
breaks relationships.

For your Man to Love you for a life time, Click the link below to  learn more.


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