10 Things You Need To Know About Your Kidney

The human kidney is an amazing organ that performs many vital functions in the body. 
 1. The kidneys are bean-shaped organs and they are located in the lower back, one on each side of the spine. 
 2. The kidneys are about the size of a fist and weigh around 120-150 grams each. 
 3. The kidneys receive about 20% of the blood pumped by the heart. 
 4. The kidneys filter about 120-150 quarts (114-142 liters) of blood each day, removing waste products and excess water. 
 5. The kidneys regulate the body's salt, potassium, and acid content, as well as regulating blood pressure and producing hormones that stimulate red blood cell production. 
 6. The kidneys are highly efficient at filtering waste from the blood. They can filter up to 1 liter of blood per minute. 
 7. The kidneys contain millions of tiny filters called nephrons, which are responsible for filtering waste from the blood. 
 8. The kidneys play an important role in regulating the body's fluid balance. When the body needs to conserve water, the kidneys produce concentrated urine. When the body needs to get rid of excess water, the kidneys produce more dilute urine. 
 9. The kidneys can recover from damage, but they are also vulnerable to a variety of diseases, including kidney stones, infections, and kidney failure. 
 10. People can live with only one kidney, but if both kidneys fail, a person will need to undergo dialysis or a kidney transplant to survive. Overall, the human kidney is a remarkable organ that plays a vital role in maintaining the body's overall health and well- being.


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