
Showing posts from April, 2020


  Water is a colourless, transparent, odourless liquid that forms the seas, lakes, rivers, and rain and is the basis of the fluids of living organisms. Water is essential to life, and our body needs it to function properly. Knowledge they say is power, and it was Monday morning in my working place, I had shared an important information with my  colleague and in appreciate she asked me a question that changed my lifestyle for good. Mrs Gold, have you tried early morning water on an empty stomach? She asked, and I asked her to tell me about it. My further study lead me to discover the following benefits of taking early morning water in an empty stomach. 1) BODY DETOXIFICATION : Taking a full cup of hot water first thing in the morning before any other thing raises your body temperature which may cause sweating. Sweating expels toxins and  also clean the pores there by taking away free radicals out of your body system which when allow to accumulate causes all manner of medical