The Basics of Mind Power

Mind Power is the ability to direct  your thoughts or focus your attention towards a particular goal so as to achieve a  desired result.
Mind power simply means, what you consistently focus on over a space of time, you attract.
When you consistently focus on success  you attract success. When you consistently focus on fear and failure  you will defineyly attract failure somehow.
This in essence is called "The law of attraction" The law of attraction states that every positive or negative event that happened with you was attracted by you.
Mind Power is understanding
these laws and making our
thoughts work for us. Your
thoughts are the primary
creative forces in your life.
Use them consciously and use
them often and you will
awaken to a whole new life of
power and opportunity.
A New Life Is But a New Mind
If you want to make changes
in your life, you must look to
the causes, and the causes
are almost always the way
you are using your mind — the
way you are thinking. You
cannot think both negative and
positive thoughts at the same
time. One or the other will
dominate. The mind is a
creature of habit, so it
becomes each individual’s
responsibility to make sure
that positive emotions and
thoughts constitute the
dominating influence in their
In order to change external
conditions, you must first
change the internal. Most
people omit this step. They try
to change external conditions
by working directly on those
conditions. This always proves
futile, or at best temporary,
unless it is accompanied by a
change of thoughts and
Awakening to this truth, the
way to a better, more
successful life becomes
crystal clear. Train your
conscious mind to think
thoughts of success,
happiness, health, prosperity,
and to weed out negativity
such as fear and worry.
Keep your conscious mind busy
with the expectation of the
best, and make sure the
thoughts you habitually think
are based upon what you want
to see happen in your life.


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